Manufactured home skirting is a key component. Therefore, carefully considering what you decide to use is very important. Moreover, a poor choice can be detrimental to your investment. That’s why we have developed a premium skirting product to insure your homes’ longevity.
The product I am speaking about is called DURASKIRT™. It’s a manufactured home skirting designed to improve your homes value and prevent future maintenance. Also, future energy costs savings are enjoyed by many of our customers.
How Do You Skirt A Manufactured Home on A Sloped Lot?
If you have a sloped lot for your mobile home, you may know that mobile home skirting installation on sloped lots can be a challenge. For almost 25 years, we have been skirting manufactured homes across the United States. Sometimes, though, it can be a thought-provoking experience.
Being the manufacturer of DURASKIRT™, we are sometimes asked, “How high do your mobile home skirting panels reach?” Our answer is always, “as high as you need.” The reason we say that is because we have ways to accomplish almost any height.
Use DURASKIRT™ For Breaking Through the Ground
There has always been a demand for mobile home skirting to look like an extension of the home. This, however, is a problem for wood skirting as wood shouldn’t be in contact with the soil. This is not a problem for DURASKIRT™, since it is made for ground burial. A hybrid solution can also solve the issue of a sloped lot.
By using both DURASKIRT™ and wood, you can achieve the site-built appearance for manufactured homes that are on sloped lots. Just imagine, no more rotting skirting and tremendous rodent prevention. We recommend at least a 6” distance between wood and the dirt. So, plan your siding step-downs accordingly.
How to Frame Step-Downs on Sloped Lots
Using standard framing materials and siding to match, extend siding to form step-downs that conform to the slope. Remember to add paper under the siding to prevent moisture from entering the crawlspace. After the framing is installed under the homes’ exterior rim-joist brace, it back to the I-beams. See Photo.
Things to Keep in Mind
Framing lines up with house above.
Siding matches brand and style.
Showing the siding and framing stepping down. Ready to install DURASKIRT™ concrete panels below.
Lap siding reveals are same as home.
Framing is braced adequately to support back-filling DURASKIRT™.
Wood is no closer than 6” away from soil.
Use hot-dipped galvanized nails into siding.
Once all the framing is braced, papered and sided, it’s time for the mobile home skirting installation by adding DURASKIRT™. We recommend digging DURASKIRT™ into the soil a minimum of 6” and back-filling with a coarse rock. This helps to prevent rodents from digging under the mobile home skirting.
Finally, your home will look like a site-built home. Your friends and neighbors will be surprised to know it is in fact a manufactured home. Furthermore, if you haven’t begun your search for new mobile homes, you may want to read our article “Finding The Best Mobile Home Brands.“
Controlling any projects costs are important. For this reason, we feel the best skirting product for controlling manufactured home skirting prices is DURASKIRT™. Especially when you consider all the costs involved topped with future savings. Not to mention, DURASKIRT™ concrete panel skirting have been in production since August of 2000. Go to DURASKIRT™ Cost!
Lean Production
Most noteworthy is the manufacturing processes have changed by introducing lean manufacturing techniques. These advancements ensure the panels are stronger and more durable. Additionally, these revisions help in streamlining manufacturing. With a leaner manufacturing process and control system the benefits are both better production and lower costs. Hence, DURASKIRT™ is more readily available and consistent.
A Skirting to Invest In
Trying to find manufactured home skirting prices? Are you considering all your costs? Look into the cost of DURASKIRT™.
Although they’re primarily sold for manufactured home skirting kits the concrete panels are also bought for other purposes. Today DURASKIRT™ kits are shipping to home sites throughout the United States. Moreover, the costs of these kits are very competitively priced when considering the overall costs over time. Of course, DURASKIRT™ is an investment.
Even more, two unique aspects to this system is the engineering and Hidden-Vent System. Primarily, the engineering helps homeowners get better financing rates. While the Hidden-Vent System, allows unrestricted air-flow under the home. This eliminates dead air, that normally would coagulate under the home.
Moreover, coagulating air can have a high moisture content. Truly, damp air can be detrimental to your mobile home. Moreover, damp crawlspaces push water into the insulation which in turn has adverse effects on R-Values. Finally, decreased R-values can cause heating and cooling costs to go on the rise.
Other Hidden Cost Considerations for Manufacture Home Skirting Prices
Furthermore, skirting can cause short- and long-term hidden costs. For instance, plywood or vinyl skirting can deteriorate rather quickly. Consequently, left unchecked can cause severe and costly damages to your home. More so, rodent infestation.
The results could be replacing insulation, water lines, polluted vapor barriers, and of course skirting replacement. Therefore, we recommend to choosing a skirting wisely.
Choose Your Skirting Wisely
For more information on DURASKIRT™ Pricing and the product please visit
Have you been contemplating buying a trailer skirting kit lately? Are you having trouble deciding which one to choose from? We will attempt to make it a bit easier for you by giving you five tips to look for before purchasing your mobile home skirting kit, whether it’s a 16×80 kit, 28′ x 60, or some other size.
Warranty: Good skirting kits always come with a warranty. Typically, a one-year unconditional warranty is best so you can get it.
Having a warranty can give you peace of mind if you ever need to replace a portion of the skirting if needed because of damage.
Quality of Material: The best trailer skirting kits are made of long-lasting material. Wood and vinyl just don’t last as long as concrete. Concrete skirting kits are what we consider to be the best.
Ease of Installing: Read through the skirting products literature which includes product manuals, photos, installation videos, and online help. Indeed, the best trailer skirting kits have phone help from qualified staff members.
DIY Skirting Help: Most people exploring DIY mobile home skirting are not professionals. Although they are smart enough to find great products and do the work, some products require specialized equipment and tools which you are unlikely to have and can get very expensive. So, make sure the product claims DIY skirting.
A Good Track Record: Finally, be certain the skirting material and the company you’re purchasing from have a good track record. The material should boast of longevity with more than a decade of use behind it, and it should do a good job of keeping critters out from under your home. The best trailer skirting kit companies often have a good following on social media, too.
Skirting Kits Recap
Doing a little research before you purchase can save you money and headaches. It can also keep you from having to redo your work only a few years later. We want you to have peace of mind when buying your trailer skirting kit. Your choice is going to last you a long time (if you choose the right material) We want you to feel right with your choice. So, if you have any questions, please contact us, and we’ll work to answer your questions, explain the process, and help you make the best choice.
What do we recommend?
My best advice is to buy a DURASKIRT™ concrete skirting kit because I know you will love the way it performs. Call 360-333-5498 today and order yours.
DURASKIRT™ November 06, 2022 – Price Drop Story – MAKE DURASKIRT™ INDUSTRY STANDARD!
The DURASKIRT™ price drop happened when a large developer approached me asking if we can do better with our pricing. If so, they would be awarding us with 500 plus homes over a two year period. This inspired me to test a method I have been wanting to try in production for years Making DURASKIRT™ Industry Standard. So, we tried it and it succeeded better than expected. Unfortunately the developer backed out before I had our volume pricing fully calculated thus, leaving me with hundreds of thousands in extra inventory. Therefore, I had a problem. But, a good problem, that is, for you.
We now had our hard numbers for volume pricing and plenty of product in stock. Fortunately, for our retail customers, we needed to sell off the extra inventory to pay off our suppliers. Thus, we did a huge price reduction. Personally, I would rather sell to the public a great product at a more than fair price. Besides, we have the best service in our industry and I am pretty sure we are on our way to making DURASKIRT™ Industry Standard skirting product in the United States.
Here Is What Our Advertisement Said….
11/06/2022 Note from owner/inventor about Higher Volume Price Drop:
“When I invented this American-Made skirting product the words “Industry Standard” came to mind. Thank all of my customers over the past 23 years for pushing me toward my goal. I know price has always been a factor but quality has always been number one. We’re pleased to announce with the help of our new manufacturing facility and largely to our employees we are announcing a price drop of approximately 15%. I will continue to push towards the goal of DURASKIRT™ one day being known as the “Industry Standard” product for skirting your manufactured home.”
We announced the 20% added discount late last year. The message said, “To Add: As a result of being overzealous we accidently made too much DURASKIRT™ and need your help clearing some inventory. We made too many 30″ and 37” (CMU) panels so enjoy this short time 20% off discount.” We are now sold out of this stock but we decided to keep our overzealous workers producing. As long as we keep selling kits at this rate why stop the sale? Keep buying and we will keep producing!
Manufactured Home Skirting Kits, Follow These Dos and Don’ts When Purchasing!
If you own a manufactured home, you’re likely required by local law to put skirting on it. However, before you simply reach for the first mobile home skirting kits you can find, take advantage of these dos and don’ts. They’ll help you make a good choice and give you more bang for your buck!
— DO purchase direct from DURASKIRT™ – Not Home Depot or Lowes
We have always sold our skirting and underpinning kits directly to the public. So when searching for DURASKIRT Lowes call us 360-333-5498!
— DO pay close attention to how it’s made
All manufactured home skirting kits are not created equal. Some are made with vinyl, while others are made with aluminum or concrete. There are brands that have special vents to even out airflow. While others have a finish that’s designed to look like stacked stones. Still, more boast of being the best cold weather skirting product.
Bottom line — there’s a variety of options out there, so do some homework! For example, learn about the durability of different materials (concrete skirting, vinyl, and aluminum) and additional expenses may come up over time if the skirting material doesn’t hold up (rodent infestations, etc.) We think you’ll find concrete skirting is more effective and durable than vinyl or aluminum, and will save you money in the end. Also, understand how air circulates inside your crawl space, and thus, why a special vent would be important. The more informed you are, the better-finished product you can purchase!
— DO buy your manufactured home skirting kits from a company that’s happy to help!
Some manufactured home skirting kit manufacturers only care about making money. Once they’ve sold you a kit, they couldn’t care less if you struggle to install it. Others intentionally make the instructions difficult to comprehend so you give up and hire them (or their buddies) to install everything for you.
You can do better than that!
A good manufacturer will be happy to help with your skirting even after your purchase has gone through. Specifically, they’ll have an instruction manual that’s written in plain English, and they’ll post videos and other tips right on their website. Sure, they’ll offer their own installation services, but they’ll also make it relatively easy for you to do the installation work yourself, instead of trying to get you to spend more money!
— DON’T take winter for granted
If you live in a place that gets a lot of snow and ice, you’re going to need a manufactured home skirting kits that can keep up with weather changes, extreme temperatures, and moisture. Because of the way it’s constructed, it isn’t good to let a bunch of snow and ice pile up against ANY type of skirting, but some kits are better prepared to deal with nature’s wrath than others.
Before you buy anything, talk to the manufacturer about how their skirting is going to withstand winter. If you don’t like the answer, look for another kit!
— DON’T forget about your other structures
Yes, it’s called “mobile home skirting“, but these kits can also be used to finish off your deck, above-ground pool, or hot tub. Skirting is alsowhat to put around the bottom of your shed or the storage building you’ve got sitting in the backyard. So, before you put away the calculator, add up the space these structures take up. Odds are, some mobile home skirting will make them look AND perform better!
Did you know the pit set manufactured home is a relatively new concept? We have watched the manufactured home industry evolve over the years. Beginning with tin can trailers placed in parks to beautiful custom family homes. This viable housing transformation began when congress enacted the 1994 “Permanent Foundation Code for Manufactured Homes.”
By enacting this code in 1994 it has instigated the pit set manufactured home aiming to make a manufactured home look like a house. Although there are many ways to accomplish this, I am going to be discussing our 20-year journey to perfecting it. Yes, we began in 2000 mindful that the manufactured home industry needed a product to help the longevity of their home.
Reason Why to Pit Set A Manufactured Home
Firstly, let us discuss the reasons for envisioning the best way to pit set a manufactured home. We will need to go back to the 1980s when we were installing manufactured homes. These homes were changing to offer wood siding and site-built features. Therefore, we began to see the need for a pit setting.
What Are the Advantages of Pit Setting?
A customer posted this about DURASKIRT™ on Instagram.
When we say pit set, we are meaning that the soils are excavated so that the blocking is set down into the ground. The advantages are obvious, like eliminating steps into the home and energy savings. Though, there were two drawbacks associated with pit setting a manufactured home. The shortcomings being higher costs and groundwater.
The Use of Wrong Products
Mainly the cost associated with pit setting a manufactured home was above many budgets. So, the industry began trying to curb these costs by using materials like pressure-treated wood skirting. Some have tried using the Hardie panel which quickly deteriorated allowing rodent intrusion. Obviously, these products were found to be terrible ideas.
For discernible reasons, concrete skirting has taken over the pit set manufactured home market. Primarily, because the concrete does not rot and when done right keeps rodents from invading. So, let us talk about the issues with concrete skirting.
Types of Concrete Skirting
1. Stem-wall
What is stem-wall concrete skirting? Stem wall concrete skirting is when you pour a concrete wall around the perimeter of the manufactured home. Clearly, the stem-wall needs a footing for support adding time and money to your project. The main benefit to a stem-wall is that it is strong, lasting, and makes a manufactured home look like a house.
In Opposition, since manufactured homes are mainly supported internally, this is still a skirt. A very costly skirting that also needs a well-constructed crawl space and Requires filling the gap from the top of the wall to the home. If these two things are not addressed properly the home will not be rodent-proof.
Pros: Stem-Wall Skirting
Cons: Stem-Wall Skirting
Extending the building schedule.
Makes the manufactured home look like a house.
Requires filling the gap from the top of the wall to the home.
Eliminates steps into the home.
Moving the home in the future.
Crawl space may or may not be constructed to prevent rodent intrusion.
Needs a footing.
No warranty.
If a 6-sack concrete mix is used it is considered waterproof. Otherwise, a bituminous layer painted on the outside of the wall is needed for waterproofing.
2. Concrete Block Skirting to Pit Set A Manufactured Home
Block skirting on a manufactured home.
Concrete block skirting is also a good way to skirting a manufactured home. The benefits are obviously like that of a stem-wall although easier to move the home when it becomes necessary. The drawback especially using split-faced is sealing the gap from the top of blocks to the bottom of the home.
Similarly, the crawl space, being an entry point to rodents must be constructed well. Identically to a stem wall, a block requires a good foundation for support. Conversely, block walls tend to crack, and being porous can grow moss and leak groundwater. Too, a bituminous layer is needed. The skirting will need to be painted on the outside and being more porous usually requires more material than a stem wall.
Pros: Concrete Block Skirting
Cons: Concrete Block Skirting
Extending the building schedule.
Eliminates steps into the home.
Requires filling the gap from the top of the wall to the home.
Moving the home in the future.
Crawl space may or may not be constructed to prevent rodent intrusion.
Needs a footing.
No warranty.
Requires a bituminous layer painted on the outside of the wall for waterproofing. Due to being very porous, it usually requires more material than a stem wall.
Looks like a manufactured home.
3. DURASKIRT™ Concrete Skirting
You can place back-fill up to 6″ down from Belly-band or in this photo 6″ below the white metal drip cap. DURASKIRT™ meets the standard for foundation certification found in the HUD-7584 Permanent Foundation code.
DURASKIRT™ concrete skirting is a well-thought-out and planned product. The reason why is simple. DURASKIRT™ has been planned and proven for more than two decades by people that know the problems and solutions for the manufactured home industry well.
Indeed, the lower costs are attributed to both speed of installation and more stably priced materials. With both expenses of labor and material costs factored in DURASKIRT™ will always be a better value. Besides, the lower costs of having a warranty, no rodent intrusion, and making your manufactured home look like a house is important and sets DURASKIRT™ apart.
Finally, look at this recap and you’ll agree. DURASKIRT™ checks all the boxes.
Pros: DURASKIRT™ Concrete Skirting
Cons: DURASKIRT™ Concrete Skirting
Much lower cost.
Eliminates steps into the home.
Does not require filling the gap at the top.
Easily take off to repair panels or move home. Reusable.
No footing required.
Has warranty.
Poured with more than 6-sack concrete which is considered waterproof.
Makes a manufactured home look like a house.
Crawlspace fitted to prevent rodent intrusion.
Speeds schedule.
Keeping Ground Water Out
Like I alluded to above groundwater can be a drawback. This definitely depends on your land for many reasons. The point is to be mindful there is a danger so you can design a proper solution. I will be addressing this in greater detail in a future blog so sign up so you can stay informed.
Perhaps you have seen a neighbor, family member or friend buy vent plugs to plug their home’s vents. Most of the time the excuse, “it will save me the heating bill.” Right? So, it made good sense but still, “why mobile home skirting should be vented.”
Here are a few justifications for good underfloor ventilation:
Vents prevent the buildup of moisture. Everyone knows moisture causes mold and mildew and is harmful to your health.
Saves energy. Venting the crawlspace keeps insulation dry. Moist insulation transfers both heat and cold more easily. Obviously, this can cause higher energy bills. Hence, vents make good sense.
Ventilation clears gases rising from the soil. Gases such as radon and methane coming up from the soils can cause serious health consequences. Building codes require 6 mil poly to stop moisture and ventilation to keep gasses clear.
Venting a crawlspace rids odors. Soil odors can be strong, so venting can help by exchanging air. The best venting is “The Hidden Vent System” because of the continuous venting with no dead air between vents.
As you can see, whether continuously or by mechanical means venting your crawlspace is a must. Not only does it protect your investment, but it is investing into yours and your family’s health. So, do not cover your vents.
Long-Term Effects from Un-ventilated Crawlspace
Moreover, there are long-term consequences of covering vents. We have seen homes destroyed in some cases due to their covering for long periods of time. Additionally, people forget they covered their vents, leaving them in several seasons. Obviously, this can be bad.
With DURASKIRT™ and the “Hidden Vent System” there is no need to ask why mobile home skirting should be vented. Our information is backed by many years of experience and good reasons.
Periodically Inspect Your Vents
Finally, keep your underfloor venting free flowing and clear. We recommend inspecting your venting annually and cleaning it if necessary. Generally, a leaf blower can clear grass, leaves and spider webs.
We hope this information has helped you, and we look forward to serving you. For more information, please call DURASKIRT, LLC 360-333-5498 or email us at
If you’re considering buying a manufactured home, it’s probably crossing your mind to make manufactured home look like a house. Right? That’s exactly why DURASKIRT™ began. Because no other skirting or underpinning makes a manufactured home look like a house like DURASKIRT™.
At DURASKIRT we have managed to create a very durable long-lasting product giving homeowners a real foundation look. Moreover, the quality of our product is unmatched in the manufactured home industry. Indeed, DURASKIRT, LLC is a premium USA skirting manufacturer.
Overcoming challenges to make manufactured home look like a house
Making a manufactured home look like a house sounds simple. Right? Not so, because of the costs. Okay then you say, “what costs are you talking about. Please explain. Right?” When we began the process of developing DURASKIRT™ there were companies pouring footings and stem-wall facades.
Stem wall foundation (non-supporting façade)
This method requires rolling or crane setting the mobile home over the facade. Ridiculous and expensive right? Moreover, people were willing to pay the price because this method accomplishes the look they were after. However, many began thinking of more economical ways to do this.
Treated Plywood Skirting Method
One method that was tried and failed was painting treated plywood a grayish concrete color. Though, the finished product looked okay it soon was needing painting and eventually replacing. Likewise, the treated plywood in due course rots when back-filling.
Hardie skirting
When Hardie panels hit the market the mobile home industry jumped at the chance to use this product for skirting. Additionally, contractors were quick to paint this concrete color too to make a manufactured look like a house. But, like any other papier-mâché products this material hates ground moisture.
Ground moisture quickly taking its course within a few years this product began deteriorating. Besides, witnessing our customers replacing Hardie skirting with holes is sad. Also, this product was never designed for ground contact although one ingredient was cement.
Buy the right skirting products
Firstly,Mobile home skirting, products need to survive the environment of ground contact. Likewise, looking for ground contact skirting products are very few but worth it. Ultimately, DURASKIRT™ is an intelligent skirting choice for preventive maintenance.
For more information call DURASKIRT, LLC 360-419-9909.
There is more than the cement board and well frame. You will need to know the materials and tools before beginning. As you will see assembling the DURASKIRT™ cement board well is easy. Begin by gathering your supplies and tools as shown below.
Materials Needed for Making The Cement Board Well
Begin by placing a cut cement board and DURASKIRT™ well frame.
Well sides being cut after measuring. Notice the 2″ slope.
Cement Board Well Installation
Begin the cement board well by placing a panel on each side of the desired underfloor opening using the Access Well Frame between them to determine the opening width (approx. 34 ½”). Next, lay down two DURASKIRT™ panels with their backs together, white mark to white mark. Now layout and mark with the pencil the desired height and width (may vary 24 1/8”) leaving ¾” short for well front and giving the top a 2” slope. Finally, cut the two sides of the well making sure to leave the fabric at the bottom edge.
Following the above procedure, carry the cement board pieces to the opening and place them on each side of the well-frame. Using the frame, you can set and level both pieces with white marks inward, fabric outward, and using the frame to hold them in place. Make sure to leave a gap between
After finishing the cement board well sides and front leaving a gap for the lid to slide underneath the siding.
the top of the well-frame and the bottom of the siding. Now measure the outside width (35 ½”) for the front well panel so it spans over the side panels for support.
Cement Board Sides & Lid
The next step for building the cement board well is to cut the lid placing the white markdown. The lid will be 37” x 25 ½” (Cut the fabric edge off). Also, it’s important to choose a panel that is free from chips. Moreover, install it under the front edge of the Access Well Frame where you left a gap. When finished the lid should fit firmly underneath the belly band orprecast concrete siding.
For more information call DURASKIRT, LLC 360-419-9909.
If you are wanting to pit set your manufactured home you need an exterior house skirting product like DURASKIRT™. Besides, being an exterior product make certain they can be back-filled. Additionally, this makes the product more valuable especially if you plan to pit set your home.
DURASKIRT™ concrete skirting panels for mobile homes is a wonderful product. Great for pit set homes.
So, what is pit setting a mobile home or trailer house?
Pit setting is when you excavate the soils burying the blocking height into the ground. Likewise, this method is preferred so that decks or walkways to enter your home have an easier access. Too, as we grow older less steps or ramps are more desirable.
Therefore, finding an exterior house skirting with the ability to pit set it is vital. This takes some reading of the fine print, so I recommend taking your time. Moreover, when you do find a skirting product for back-filling it’s time for planning.
Planning Pit Setting Your Manufactured Home Using Exterior House Skirting?
Now that you understand what pit setting is, you need to understand the components. Also, the functions of each component of your manufactured homes’ foundation. More still, there are four major components that make for a very secure manufactured home.
Components for Preventing Earthquake or Heavy Wind Damage
The Floor Fame: Your manufactured home comes with a flooring system that is secured to a steel structure. This structure is engineered to support the home and occupants and receive
Solid Blocking: Cement or concrete blocks are the best support for manufactured homes. They provide great support when following the manufacturers specifications.
Individual Concrete Panel Skirting: The best exterior house skirting for resisting damages from earthquakes is a concrete panel skirting system. This allows for maximum movement without damaging the home or skirting. More so, the flexibility of having individual panels and a system like PSC’s is the best.
For this reason, I recommend DURASKIRT™ concrete panel skirting. In addition, this system also works for pit setting your home. Finally, it is a great exterior house skirting.
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