Are We Living A Set-Apart Life?
Maybe you have asked yourself Am I Living A Set-Apart Life? What does that even look like in our culture that encourages the pursuit of happiness? If you’re like many, you have found a continued happiness is not possible without God. Perhaps, sadly, you have never experienced the happiness God has for you with a surrendered life?
Let’s Read in 1 Samuel
If you turn to your bible starting in 1 Samuel chapter four, you will find a culture much like ours. The people had God in a box (Arc of the Covenant) and their neighbors idols on display in their homes, trying to fit in with everyone. As you read on through the next chapters, you’ll find it doesn’t work out well for them, neither is it working out well for us today. We find in Samuel that God will always defend himself, regardless where we stand with Him.
When the enemy captures the Arc of the Covenant, we find the idol Dagon must fall in its presence. Every knee shall bow. More still, the land breaks out with mice and tumors begin appearing on the captors bodies. So, they decide to send the Arc back with peace offerings of mice and tumors made of precious gold. Listen, this is a ruse, and we are to never take offerings from the enemy even though they seem to have given lip service, offerings, to our precious savior. It never ends well when we do.
Reading further, when Israel received the Arc they were temporarily impressed by the enemies offerings and still unrepentant of their sins that caused its capture. Almost 60,000 people paid the price for their hardened hearts. How many in our culture are losing their lives for our own compromised lifestyles? How long will we keep God in a box and have similar lifestyles to the Celebrity Philistines? Do we look any different? Are we watching the same movies? Maybe we’re reading the same books? Then again, we may be talking about the same celebrities in similar fashions? Or perhaps we’re dressing the same? Do we have the same desires?
Surrendered Life
Do we think that God won’t eventually begin to defend himself and clean up his people and his churches? We find the story here ends with a people throwing away their Philistine idols, culture, and living the set-apart life God desires for all of us. Where He feels right in protecting and blessing. My prayer is that this message will turn at least one wayward sheep back home. Moreover, I pray many will desire to go all in with their own relationship with Jesus.
A Plan for Redemption
If you are like me and need to examine the things you are allowing to take up your time and make an effort to ask God to show you what needs to be removed and what needs to be added. You can begin by saying this simple prayer…..
I am a sinner. I’ve done a lot that is wrong or evil. I cannot do anything good in my own power. I need your love and forgiveness. Lord, I am sorry for all the sin that I have committed in my life, and that I know I will commit in the future. I want to live my life for You, doing what is right, and pleasing to You. I need a Savior, because I can never pay the debt that my sin has incurred. Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, and shedding your blood to pay the price for my sin. I accept that You did this for me, and I ask that You extend Your eternal grace to me. Lord, please transform my heart and my life in Your image, write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I praise You for Your love, Your righteousness, and Your infinite mercy. Thank you for saving my soul.
Today, I desire to go all in with you, Jesus. I want that set-apart life that leads me to wholeness and real happiness. I desire peace beyond understanding as your word promises.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Now that you received Jesus and placed your faith in him, it’s time to know that He has given you His authority. You are a son or daughter of the most high God! Begin using seeds, words, that build yourself and others up and expect them to bring the peace that is promised to the sons of God.
Now share the Good News!
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