Dying On The Vine
Do You Feel Like You Are Dying On The Vine?
If, like me, perhaps you have or are attending a church, tithing, attending a bible study, participating in a corporate prayer group while not quite feeling a move of God. Even though the scriptures promise this. Maybe it’s time to examine the vine where you’re attached or if the vine is supplying all the needed nutrients. You see, like natural plants, you need proper feeding to fully develop into good fruit.
FYI: The church I presently attend PURSUIT NW in Snohomish and Seattle, WA is bearing a bountiful harvest of good fruit.
Did you know Jesus alludes to this in the parable of the seed Sower. In the natural we understand when producing good fruit it needs correct feeding and watering to fully mature. Likewise, just because a ministry is bearing fruit does not mean the fruit will become good on its own. It has everything to do with the soil.
Does your church body have the proper soil and nutrients to produce good fruit?
To judge this, we need to let scriptures expose the making of the good soils by examining closely how Jesus did it. You see, it’s not by our criticism’s things will change but by the actions of following Jesus. Thus, Let Jesus be the judge.
I am not going to give you a formula to produce good fruit. Why? Because, like fruit, nutrients and soils conditions vary as to what kinds of fruit you’re producing. The only thing I will say is that the fruit must be the kind that reproduces more fruit or exponential growth while placing Jesus as King. If you belong to a church that is not producing fruit, then like the fig tree Jesus rebuked, the church not bearing fruit will die.
Why must a tree or vine producing bad fruit die?
God loves His vineyard and loves it when people turn and follow Him. He hates it when a church falls away from teaching holiness because He is coming back to a spotless bride. Therefore, He, like a good gardener, prunes and replaces churches as needed to accomplish this purpose.
But God Mat 24:24-30
Thankfully, God has a better plan than us. If left to us and our gardening methods many churches would be uprooted while producing good fruit. In Mat 24:24-30 there is a decision made by the gardener to let the wheat grow with the tares. As a result, just because the enemy sows in hollow, seedless members, the good fruit its producing will be protected.
Maybe you are good fruit producing more good fruit in a church with weeds. Should you quit? Or leave? I would recommend staying if you are given a place to follow the will of God in your life. Nonetheless, for some reason, God is calling you somewhere else or to do something that the headship of that church disagrees for me it’s clear that you must leave.
Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Also, I recommend reading the entire New Testament. After this you will begin to understand what a Spotless Bride looks like and a real fruit producing church is called to do. Moreover, keep in mind this fact: The only thing Jesus commissioned His followers to do is spread the Good News of the “Gospel” making disciples to follow doing the same. This is our life’s work and if you are a disciple this is your life’s work too.
The Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20 NKJV
16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted it.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Are You Questioning Your Faith? Know This, Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free!
Are you ready? Are you willing? If so, you can say this simple prayer and this time be genuine and know Jesus came to set the captives free.
A Plan for Redemption
If you are like me and need to examine the things you are allowing to take up your time and make an effort to ask God to show you what needs to be removed and what needs to be added. You can begin by saying this simple prayer…..
I am a sinner. I’ve done a lot that is wrong or evil. I cannot do anything good in my own power. I need your love and forgiveness. Lord, I am sorry for all the sin that I have committed in my life, and that I know I will commit in the future. I want to live my life for You, doing what is right, and pleasing to You. I need a Savior, because I can never pay the debt that my sin has incurred. Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, and shedding your blood to pay the price for my sin. I accept that You did this for me, and I ask that You extend Your eternal grace to me. Lord, please transform my heart and my life in Your image, write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I praise You for Your love, Your righteousness, and Your infinite mercy. Thank you for saving my soul.
Today, I desire to go all in with you, Jesus. I want that set-apart life that leads me to wholeness and real happiness. I desire peace beyond understanding as your word promises.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Now that you received Jesus and placed your faith in him it’s time to know that He has given you His authority. You are a son or daughter of the most high God! Begin using seeds, words, that build yourself and others up and expect them to bring the peace that is promised to the sons of God.
Now share the Good News!
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