Steps To Avoid Becoming a “Christian Cult”
Get your axe ready!
In this article, I will be highlighting the warning signs that your ministry is turning into a “Christian Cult.” My reason for exposing these practices is to help you navigate a way out or completely avoid them. Perhaps these practices may already exist in your organization, so then, what? Initially, you must get to the root. Why? Get your axe ready!
“The people who sat in darkness saw a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” Matt 4:16 NLT
Christian Cults always have a root. To identify the root, you need to go back to their foundation, forming or purpose. In other words, what caused the cult to form? Why? There is always a cause or need that presented itself, and their leader saw themselves as the savior. This is a dangerous mindset because it gives the enemy a strong foothold, especially because Satan is in the business of killing, steeling and destroying.
“Their leader saw themselves as the savior”
As we can see today, the church is divided. As it happens, it is a breeding ground for the devil to employ many strategies. What I am going to say now can and will be made into a book. But, for this article, I am focusing my attention on the apostolic calling. Perhaps this is you or someone you know. Either way, remember the Lord gives grace to the humble.
An “Apostolic calling” is someone who is called by the Holy Spirit to church planting and are “church guys or gals.” Therefore, if they say something like “I am not a church guy or gal” then what are they? Surely this must have been addressed somewhere in the bible, right? In fact, it was and Paul, who identified himself as an apostle, calling these people “false apostles” in 2 Corinthians 11:5-15. These are people wanting to be identified as apostles but were lacking fruit. Title worship!
“Title Worship”
Paul called these people “False Apostles” in 2 Corinthians 11:5-15
Next, let me address the leader calling themselves an apostle, but they are angry at the church(es). In fact, it is easy today to identify a problem like homelessness or drug use and see that the church is ill-equipped. Maybe, God has tugged at your heart to help solve the crisis. Yes, this truly can be an apostolic calling on your life, but it’s all in the way you use it. Simply put, it is a decision.
One, will you use it to build up or fortify the church(es), or will you use it to tear them down? Isolation is another choice, especially if you get rejected, another tactic employed by the enemy. Rejection may cause you to come out the other side saying, “I am not a church guy or gal.” Rejection can send you further downhill by the devil convincing you that you are their only savior and without you, they would be homeless.
Now, you have a choice to believe that you are their savior, say “I am not a church guy or gal”, and become the weapon the devil can use. A true in form, “Charismatic Cult Leader.” Not only does a cult leader not bear church fruit, but Paul identified them as “false apostles.” Now, get out the axe, if you find yourself down this rabbit hole, depending on how far, it is never too late to repent, ask God to show you a way out and get back on the path of true apostleship. Let’s use Paul as the example.
To begin with, Paul is a good example of someone with an Apostolic calling on their life. He was courageous and unafraid. Although there is that, he wrote his own story. Still, we can see that his calling lined up with the fruit of building churches and raising up leaders. If an apostolic leader wants to be called an apostle, he surely will have fruit to show. Paul didn’t refer to himself as an apostle until there was fruit.
Now let us explore what a “Christian Cult” looks like.
First, let me identify what a “Christian Cult” looks like so you can quickly identify the signs. For example, I will use Jeremiah Johnson’s video addressing common practices found in Christian ministries. Clearly, these are things that you should avoid. Next, I will be addressing other signs, then go into steps that you can establish to save your ministry from becoming a cult.
Let’s begin:
Five (5) Signs of “Christian Cults” That Brings Forth Leadership Worship
– The following list are excerpts from JeremiahJohnson.tv
- Obsession with church leaders
- Need for Titles & Recognition….” Chief Prophet” or “Apostle so-and-so” – 1 Peter 5:1-3 (A Christian apostle is one that plants churches, nurtures them, moves in signs and wonders and has a track record of growth, like Paul. Oppositely, the “false apostle” opposes churches, says things like, “I am not a church guy” but wants to be called by the title. The false apostle has a track record of cultivating disunity in churches and causing church division). I address this in more detail below.
- Everyone dresses, acts or talks/prays a certain way. If you don’t fit in, you will be sent away quickly.
- Questions or differing perspectives are viewed as insubordinate behavior. Phrases like, “How dare you touch the Lord’s anointed.”
- Loyalty and secrecy are required. “Can you meet with me and not tell the others?”
More Signs that signal a “Christian Cult”
- Leader shows a persistent distrust – always questioning people’s motives, showing lack of hearing from the Holy Spirit.
- Stockholm Syndrome found among the “disciples” – Cult leaders routinely “discipline” their “disciples”. Disciples under the influence of a charismatic leader frequently display unquestioning loyalty and devotion. In particular, even pray with similar words or phrases, trying to fit in with others. Cult leaders skillfully employ brainwashing techniques to create a dependency among their members and isolate them from outside influences. Often times, giving them a place to live, rather than teaching them independence. Many times finding openings in their family ties that they can drive a wedge or cause a separation. This seclusion, combined with a skewed perception of reality, provides the perfect conditions for Stockholm Syndrome to develop, elevating leaders to near-savior status. If someone refers to themselves as your “Spiritual Father”, it’s advisable to leave the situation promptly.
- “Spiritual Father” – cult members often refer to their leader as their “Spiritual Father.” If this happens, this needs correction immediately. If left uncorrected and is found as common-place, RUN!
If someone refers to themselves as your “Spiritual Father”, it’s advisable to leave the situation promptly. It is a Cult!
- False Apostles – Apostles plant and administrate churches – Not Despise them. (Paul addressed similar issues in Corinth, calling out “false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:13). Unlike these false teachers, who boasted about their credentials, Paul pointed to the transformed lives of the people he had ministered to as evidence of genuine ministry (2 Corinthians 3:1-3). True leaders glorify Christ and focus on the spiritual growth of their followers, not their personal acclaim).
- Leader overworks disciples to the point of constant exhaustion. This tactic keeps disciples from hearing from the Holy Spirit. Often it is said, “we don’t need to be marinating in The Holy Spirit.”
Step One: The Light of Jesus
Every Christian organization must take steps to shine the light of Jesus over all their practices. To do this, it is best to have oversight by a trusted non-bias organization who specializes in keeping other Christian groups accountable. Yes, accountability is a must.
Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Prov. 11:14
Does your organization have non-bias oversight? If not, your ministry may fall prey to the enemy. How?
So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; COL 3:12 Amp
Step Two: Humility
Practicing humility is vital for any Christian ministry, and nourishing this root is essential for growing and bearing abundantly good fruit. Understanding humility, lacking pride or arrogance, means taking every thought or action accountable to the cross. Yes, you may say something wrong, but be quick to apologize.
Leaders Must Be Known by Their “Humble Spirit”
Step Three: Gentleness
A gentle spirit believes the best about people and never discounts God’s plans for them. We all know the scripture, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV
“they didn’t share the same vision.”
Therefore, in light of gentleness, when people leave your ministry for any reason, it is never appropriate to say to others, “they didn’t share the same vision.” Since it’s Jesus’ church to build, not ours, what does it matter? Another tactic is to tell people staying to not reach out to the one(s) leaving. This tactic helps the cult leadership to minimize their perceived loss. This begs to question, what are they hiding? Shouldn’t truth be a priority?
Step Four: Kindness
Kindness is characterized by acts of generosity, consideration, assistance, or concern for others, carried out without the expectation of praise or reward. So, when a ministry administers kindness as a priority, you will see the fruits. For instance, they will never overwork their people, and their plans include breaks, food, and generous consideration for others.
Step Five: Patience / Peace
Patience and peace is something that you experience and feel as a tranquil hovering spirit. You have probably walked into a room and felt tension, which is the opposite of peace, lacking patience. To thrive in unity, a ministry must move in the spirit of patience that brings peace into all their spheres of influence.
Hopefully, these five steps found in COL 3:12 can help guard your ministry from becoming a “Christian Cult”. On the contrary, your ministry may already be showing signs of being a cult and need deliverance. Jesus is always gracious to deliver even the worst offenders. His blood is enough.
Are You Questioning Your Faith? Know This, Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free!
Are you ready? Are you willing? If so, you can say this simple prayer and this time be genuine and know Jesus came to set the captives free. The question is, “What is “Revival” waiting for?”
A Plan for Redemption 
If you are like me and need to examine the things you are allowing to take up your time and make an effort to ask God to show you what needs to be removed and what needs to be added. You can begin by saying this simple prayer…..
I am a sinner. I’ve done a lot that is wrong or evil. Furthermore, I cannot do anything good in my own power. I need your love and forgiveness. Lord, I am sorry for all the sin that I have committed in my life, and that I know I will commit in the future. I want to live my life for You, doing what is right, and pleasing to You. I need a Savior, because I can never pay the debt that my sin has incurred. Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, and shedding your blood to pay the price for my sin. I accept that You did this for me, and I ask that You extend Your eternal grace to me. Lord, please transform my heart and my life in Your image, write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I praise You for Your love, Your righteousness, and Your infinite mercy. Thank you for saving my soul.
Today, I desire to go all in with you, Jesus. I want that set-apart life that leads me to wholeness and real happiness. I desire peace beyond understanding, as your word promises.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Now that you received Jesus and placed your faith in him, it’s time to know that He has given you His authority. You are a son or daughter of the most high God! Begin using seeds, words, that build yourself and others up and expect them to bring the peace that is promised to the sons of God.
Now share the Good News!
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