Wash – Rinse – Repeat
Let’s Begin
Is your relationship with Jesus stuck on “Wash – Rinse – Repeat?” Perhaps it’s time to get off this merry-go-round Christian Religious non-sense and make Jesus Lord of your life. Let me explain.
Firstly, the Wash-Rinse-Repeat cycle is commonplace with today’s Christians. You begin with the sinner’s prayer;

Are you a miserable Christian? Maybe you know one. If so, read and pass this message on.
believe through grace you’re saved, then you go right back to your old lifestyle. Maybe not at first but eventually through digression the seed that was sewn in you failed to bear fruit. Possibly the devil now has convinced you to hate or even blame God for all your troubles.
Then, one day you cry out to Jesus He responds with grace once more and peace again is restored. Perhaps it stays a while this time but, through more temptation, the devil knows how to take you back. This time the devil is more cunning tempting you to go much further than before and now you find yourself addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling or just getting more money. The hole in your heart swells.
Misery Loves Company
Now you have a giant black hole the size of our sun inside your heart that cannot be satisfied. You go to bed hungry and wake up empty. You haven’t smiled in months or maybe years. Then you decide to go to church crying out this time and or maybe just angry none of your friends have the answer. The Christians you know are just as hollow as you are and only pay lip service to your problems. Without understanding, they follow the same sports heroes or watch the same tv shows and movies as do the modern-day Philistines. They too are miserable. You may even wonder why they make the effort to come to church. The answer is, “misery loves company.”
It’s sad the Gospel of Jesus has been getting watered down to a life resembling this in many churches. Although, on the upside, it makes for a great place to share the real love of Jesus. When you read the bible, Jesus went the synagogues where He knew these kinds of people are found. An empty religion will do this to someone who is trying on their own to find what they believe exists yet are not finding. Are you one of these people?
Is what I know about Jesus causing me to share the gospel?
Then ask yourself, “is what I know about Jesus causing me to share the gospel? Am I irritating my neighbors to the point they to want Jesus? Are you doing greater things than Jesus did? Jesus said we would. James said faith without works is dead. Paul talks about a faith that is bold and Jesus said finding heaven is like the man who sells everything he owns to obtain it. Is this how you feel about the good news? If not, you may want to hop off the “wash – rinse – repeat” religion that is weighing you down and leaving you more hopeless and so wrapping you with additional chains.
“He or She is so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.”
To make church folk feel better or to ease their pain the church has adopted a saying, “He or She is so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.” This is a seed sewn by Satan to encourage workers to do his will. We must admit, it has worked very well.
“Fear of the Lord” – like a small Child not wanting to be separated from their parent(s), be afraid to leave His presence.
The bible, however, encourages us to pray without ceasing. How do we accomplish this? Make your life a conversation with Jesus. Ask Him everything. Believe He is with you everywhere you go. Fall in love with Jesus with a child-like faith. And like a small Child not wanting to be separated from their parent(s), be afraid to leave His presence. This is the truest form of “Fear of the Lord.
Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free!
Are you ready? Are you willing? If so, you can say this simple prayer and this time be genuine and know Jesus came to set the captives free.
A Plan for Redemption
If you are like me and need to examine the things you are allowing to take up your time and make an effort to ask God to show you what needs to be removed and what needs to be added. You can begin by saying this simple prayer…..
I am a sinner. I’ve done a lot that is wrong or evil. I cannot do anything good in my own power. I need your love and forgiveness. Lord, I am sorry for all the sin that I have committed in my life, and that I know I will commit in the future. I want to live my life for You, doing what is right, and pleasing to You. I need a Savior, because I can never pay the debt that my sin has incurred. Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, and shedding your blood to pay the price for my sin. I accept that You did this for me, and I ask that You extend Your eternal grace to me. Lord, please transform my heart and my life in Your image, write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I praise You for Your love, Your righteousness, and Your infinite mercy. Thank you for saving my soul.
Today, I desire to go all in with you, Jesus. I want that set-apart life that leads me to wholeness and real happiness. I desire peace beyond understanding as your word promises.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Now that you received Jesus and placed your faith in him it’s time to know that He has given you His authority. You are a son or daughter of the most high God! Begin using seeds, words, that build yourself and others up and expect them to bring the peace that is promised to the sons of God.
Now share the Good News!
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