4 Reasons Why Mobile Home Skirting Should Be Vented
Why Mobile Home Skirting Should Be Vented
Perhaps you have seen a neighbor, family member or friend buy vent plugs to plug their home’s vents. Most of the time the excuse, “it will save me the heating bill.” Right? So, it made good sense but still, “why mobile home skirting should be vented.”
Here are a few justifications for good underfloor ventilation:
- Vents prevent the buildup of moisture. Everyone knows moisture causes mold and mildew and is harmful to your health.
- Saves energy. Venting the crawlspace keeps insulation dry. Moist insulation transfers both heat and cold more easily. Obviously, this can cause higher energy bills. Hence, vents make good sense.
- Ventilation clears gases rising from the soil. Gases such as radon and methane coming up from the soils can cause serious health consequences. Building codes require 6 mil poly to stop moisture and ventilation to keep gasses clear.
- Venting a crawlspace rids odors. Soil odors can be strong, so venting can help by exchanging air. The best venting is “The Hidden Vent System” because of the continuous venting with no dead air between vents.
As you can see, whether continuously or by mechanical means venting your crawlspace is a must. Not only does it protect your investment, but it is investing into yours and your family’s health. So, do not cover your vents.
Long-Term Effects from Un-ventilated Crawlspace
Moreover, there are long-term consequences of covering vents. We have seen homes destroyed in some cases due to their covering for long periods of time. Additionally, people forget they covered their vents, leaving them in several seasons. Obviously, this can be bad.
With DURASKIRT™ and the “Hidden Vent System” there is no need to ask why mobile home skirting should be vented. Our information is backed by many years of experience and good reasons.
Periodically Inspect Your Vents
Finally, keep your underfloor venting free flowing and clear. We recommend inspecting your venting annually and cleaning it if necessary. Generally, a leaf blower can clear grass, leaves and spider webs.
We hope this information has helped you, and we look forward to serving you. For more information, please call DURASKIRT, LLC 360-333-5498 or email us at richardimus@duraskirt.com.
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