Mobile Home Repair – Repairing It’s Appeal
Consider Starting Your Mobile Home Repair With Re-Leveling Your Home
Keeping up repairs on a mobile home is just as important as keeping up repairs on an actual home. Preventative measures are always the best road to take. Hire a company such as ours to do some preventative mobile home repair so that you don’t have to deal with major repairs later. There are some differences between mobile and modular home repairs so here are some things you should get repaired so that you can avoid major damage to your home later.
One of the most cost elective things you can do is calling a mobile home leveling service. This is known as re-leveling and it is a very much needed service. While the crew of professionals is crawling under your home they are looking for rodent damage or leaking pipes.
Finding and repairing heat duct damage, broken blocking, leaky pipes can save you much more over the course of the next three years than the cost of the service. There are still other things that you can do yourself or hire professionals.
Other Considerations

Installing DURASKIRT™ on a mobile home. It’s important to add a 1″ to a 1 1/2″ gap from the top of the skirting panel to give good ventilation.
Another thing to consider for mobile home repair is the need to seal updrafts and leaks. Most mobile homeowners complain that the biggest problem they have with their homes is water leaking through their roofs.
They also have a hard time with drafts leaking in through the window and doors because of improper sealing. This is one mobile home repair that you need to stay on top of to avoid mold and cracks from building up in your walls. Check for cracks and leaks in your mobile home on a regular basis.
If you see any damage being done, then call us so we can seal those cracks as soon as possible. Minimizing Moisture is also another great way to keep mobile home repair down. Mobile homes often retain a lot of moisture and that is really dangerous to the health of your home.
Our company can come into your home and check whether moisture is in the walls of your home. If we see any problems, we suggest using a DE-humidifier in your home. To avoid further issues, open the windows of your home as often as you can so that it has a chance to air out.
You will also want to keep pests from out of your home. By pests, I mean carpenter ants, termites, and other pesky animals that can do real damage to the floors of your mobile home up to the walls and ceiling. If you find that you have an infestation call a pest control service then call us to service and repair any damage these rude creatures left behind.
Call For Professionals
Call 360-419-9909 If your mobile home needs serious repairs then you surely need to call us! There are certain mobile home repairs that you just can’t do yourself. If you choose to do them you may cause more damage to your home than necessary. We have a fully professional staff that is dedicated to repairing your mobile home and making it more livable for years to come.
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