Arizona State Approved Skirting Option 2024
In 2024 Arizona State Skirting Options Now Include DURASKIRT™
For many Arizonians, poor mobile home skirting product options have plagued the manufactured home industry. So, the State of Arizona relented in passing regulations on what qualifies as manufactured home skirting. These regulations are rigorous.
Although, the regulations include the use of proprietary skirting products with installation instructions, as is DURASKIRT™. We still chose to qualify our product through engineers so that the public would be more aware of how great a product they’re choosing.
Still, we know first-hand, as we just finalized a seven-month obstacle course using two engineers to help clarify that which we already knew to be true. DURASKIRT™ is the best home skirting in Arizona. The highlights of our product are numerous.
Financing Reasons
Notably, when it comes to financing DURASKIRT™ quality is unmatched. For instance, Duraskirt™, mobile home skirting, qualifies for the MH Advantage Program if installed per our installation manual. Of course, a “Continuous Masonry Wall” can be constructed in varying ways with many choices of concrete or masonry materials. Best of all, Arizona State skirting options now include DURASKIRT™.
Moreover, the intent and purpose of MH Advantage Program is that their loans are backed up by long-lasting materials. Therefore, Duraskirt™, with Penetron™, tops the intent and purpose and outshines our competitors when it comes to long life.
Meets HUD Permanent Foundation Guide
Arizona State Engineer Report for Approving DURASKIRT™ Skirting Option:
Duraskirt ™ manufactured home perimeter skirt wall system was review for compliance with the current HUD handbook “Permanent Foundation Guild for Manufactured Housing” publication HUD[1]7584. It was found that the Duraskirt system meets all the requirements for foundation Type C.
These are systems that structurally support and anchor the home at the chassis, per section 100-2. Since perimeter walls may or not be used to structurally support or anchor the home, the Duraskirt ™ will meet HUD guidelines.
Furthermore, it is composed of rot resistant materials (concrete) and contains screened ventilation openings to meet the other requirements for Exterior perimeter foundations walls. The design and strength of the Duraskirt ™ system has generous safety factors for the applied loads of wind and seismic forces, plus the backfill loads against the skirting if installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Backfilling Report 11.9 Times Stronger Than Needed
The design and strength of the Duraskirt ™ system has generous safety factors for the applied loads of wind and seismic forces, plus the backfill loads against the skirting if installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The 30” tall panel was tested for a full backfill height in a jig that simulated normal installation conditions.
Moreover, it was backfilled with compacted medium sand to the top of the 30” tall panel, with no significant deformation of the panel, nor any viable damage or signs of stress or an overloaded condition. The sand has measured dry weight at 110 PCF, and an internal angle of friction of 30 deg. This corresponds to an active lateral pressure coefficient of 0.33, or an equivalent fluid pressure of 36.3 PCF.
In fact, these values were used to analyze the panel for lateral moment cap city. The panels are reinforced with a 1” x 1” grid of 16 gauge, 60K psi wire, placed off-center to the panel thickness with plastic standouts when the forms are filled with 4000 PSI concrete mix. Analysis indicates this configuration has a factored moment capacity of 8857 in-lbs. The installed loading requires a maximum lateral bending moment of 744 in-lbs.
Engineers Conclusion:
Therefore, it has a calculated factor of safety of 11.9. This is about eight times the min required. These panels are very durable and should not ever become overloaded when installed and used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Arizona State skirting option
We believe DURASKIRT™ is the answer for Arizona’s skirting problems.
Arizona Engineered Drawing DURASKIRT™ Skirting
Arizona Engineer Approval Letter
Washington State Engineer Testing & Approval Letter
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