A. Our products are in good condition when they leave our factories. Indeed, they are concrete products, and minor corner chips, and varying shading are expected. Remember these products are designed to look natural. Furthermore, we make every effort to get our products to you in perfect condition, the unfortunate reality is that occasionally shipments are damaged or lost in transit.
What do I do when DURASKIRT™ arrives?
When your order arrives, you should inspect all items for excessive damages or shortages before signing the delivery receipt. Remember, we do add extra panels for good measure. If your order has been damaged or is missing items, you must note the damage or shortage on the delivery receipt, obtain an exception number from the truck driver, and call 1-360-333-5498 to report the issue. We will take care of filing a claim with the freight company and we will arrange to provide you replacement product or credit. If you accept delivery and do not note damage or shortages on the delivery receipt before the driver leaves, you will be responsible for any losses.
Related Questions:
Q. Do I have to unload my order myself?
Q. Do you ship to residential addresses?
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