Mobile Home Skirting Ideas
Mobile Home Skirting Ideas for 2024 and Beyond – DURASKIRT™ for life!
People are excited about our skirting for mobile homes, delivering the new home look. Back in the day, people were building homes on piers or posts. These homes became known as raised houses. As home buildings moved away from piers and posts, people looked for new mobile home skirting Ideas.
Today, we look around and folks are building homes on perimeter foundations made of concrete. So, you need skirting to match the newer homes in 2024 and beyond. Skirting for mobile homes was the mobile home skirting idea people had been looking for, especially if they wanted to make a manufactured home look like a house.

Adding wood framing under manufactured house, then match the siding. The next photo shows completion with DURASKIRT™.
What is the purpose of skirting for mobile homes?
Skirting for mobile homes uses wood upper members and DURASKIRT™ ground contact precast siding. Skirting for mobile homes protects the underfloor area from animals, rodents, and wind. Additionally, skirting or underpinning products can help to reduce heat or cooling bills. Furthermore, you can make your raised house look like a new home built on a stem-wall perimeter foundation. So, why not choose a product like DURASKIRT֭™?
How can DURASKIRT™ improve your mobile home?
DURASKIRT؇ is an essential product for skirting mobile homes. The benefits include durability, longevity, enhanced look by matching a sight-built house, a warranty, real concrete, and a clean look. Additionally, DURASKIRT™ prevents animal intrusion when properly installed.
How is DURASKIRT™ made?
DURASKIRT™ is a concrete panel for covering the external parts of any structure. The chemistry of today’s concrete makes for a long-lasting, desirable siding worth the initial expenditure. Although initially costly, the return on investment over time makes DURASKIRT™ the least expensive skirting choice on the market today. Want to see and feel it before you buy? ….. Get a DURASKIRT™ Sample.
Comparing other skirting for mobile homes

The photo shows the house skirting with DURASKIRT™ concrete panels.
Products for skirting your mobile home can be made from vinyl, wood, metal skirting, precast concrete siding, cement siding, or lattice. All these products, except concrete siding, have very short lifespans. Wood can rot and lead to damage to your home, and lattice can still let critters get under your home to cause damage. DURASKIRT™ is the best mobile home skirting choice.
Use DURASKIRT™ for all your structures
- Tiny house skirting
- Shed skirting
- Commercial building insulation covering
- Mobile home skirting
- Modular home skirting
Our clients let us know they chose DURASKIRT™ so they can be done! We are honored our customers feel this way. We have spent over 20 years endeavoring to improve our product, and we believe it is a great accomplishment.
For more information, call us… DURASKIRT™ 360-333-5498.
Get DURASKIRT™ Sample!
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