In May of 2021, a group of us traveled down to Sacramento California to help serve at a Mario Murillo Living Proof Tent Crusade. Like many mornings after waking we all prayed together before the day started. It was the first morning of the tent when praying I received a vision of an orange shirt with black letters. So I told our group about the vision. We didn’t know if this was a warning and to be on the lookout. As it was, the country was feeling fear and anxiety but we were determined to share the good news of the gospel. Unsure, we headed to the event.
Myself and my friends were all volunteers serving to bring out food to poor people and invite people to the tent for the evening services. This day we were serving as ushers, greeters, prayer, and the welcome table. After the service was getting started Billie, my wife, called me and said, “I saw a man with an orange shirt with black letters at the back of the tent. Can you come to check him out? He is backed up to the canopy in the fire walkway. He is leaning down, not sure what his shirt says.”
Wow, I thought, as I ran to the other side of the tent to see for myself and was curious about what was written in black on the orange shirt. Arriving now in front of the man bent over praying I said, “Pardon me, can I ask you what your shirt says?” He quickly jumped to his feet and said with a shout, “America Shall Be Saved!” It was a message from God to all of us. We were not to worry anymore about the direction of our country because God was going to save it.
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