Skirting Panels for Mobile Homes
Skirting Panels for Mobile Homes — How Exactly Do They Work?
If you’re about to buy a mobile home, you’ve undoubtedly heard of (CMU) skirting panels, but how exactly do they work? And what makes skirting panels for mobile homes or shed skirting so important?
Mobile home skirting kits cover up the crawl space underneath your home

DURASKIRT™ concrete skirting panels for mobile homes are easily installed.
(CMU) Skirting panels are not simply to make your home more fashionable. Skirting panels will provide some very important functional benefits for your mobile home.
Keep Critters Out – Your home is a shelter, but you want it to be your shelter, not a shelter for various animals. By adding skirting panels, critters like raccoons, rats, and snakes won’t be able to set up their home underneath your home. This is true for sheds, too. Shed skirting can keep animals from nesting or relieving themselves under your shed.
Help To Stabilize the Temperature Inside Your Mobile Home – All homes lose a little bit of losing a bit of their temperature throughout the day, including through the floor. Skirting panels enclose the crawl space under your home, thus helping to insulate your home and maintain the temperature. This will help to keep the inside of your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Protect Against Back-Fill – Before your home can be placed on its lot, the ground must be excavated. Meaning, that some of the dirt must be scooped out so that your home will be level. However, that dirt isn’t just carted away. Instead, it’s piled up evenly around your home which is called back-filling.
Strong skirting panels, such as DURASKIRT™, hold back-fill. Moreover, their back-fill bracing strength is what makes a manufactured home look like a site-built home.
Mobile home skirting needs to be vented very carefully
Let’s say we attach some solid, concrete board, skirting panels to the bottom of your mobile home. What would you think will begin happening? You would wind up with a space that’s warm and muggy. Why? The moisture that naturally rises out of the soil ends up being trapped underneath your home.
Over time, all that stale, moist air will create dangerous mold and cause the underside of your home to rot. Talk about a major mess! That’s why skirting panels must come with special vents that are specifically designed to give the underside of your home the airflow it needs without giving critters a space to wiggle through. A good skirting manufacturer will also space those vents very carefully so that the underside gets good cross-ventilating.
Some venting systems can allow water to get into the crawl space under your home. Just like the moisture from the ground can cause mold or rot, if the venting system for your home allows water in, it can allow for sitting pools of water as well as humidity and cause great damage to your home.
Mobile home skirting needs to use quality materials
Even though you can find skirting panels in a variety of materials and finishes, they’re not created equally. Some last longer than others and some are more easily chewed, scratched, or broken by animals. Some provide good venting and others do not. DURASKIRT™ Concrete Board provides strong, long-lasting protection, and our special vent well technology will keep your crawl space well vented and help to prevent water from collecting under your home.
Contact us today to find out more or order your mobile home siding.
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