DURASKIRT™ CMU Exterior Cement-Concrete Form Board Is Versatile & You Can Back-Fill It!

DURASKIRT™ real exterior (CMU) concrete/cement board skirting for mobile homes, manufactured homes, shed skirting, park models, underpinning material, and more!
Looking for the best solution for exterior cement-concrete board skirting that is fireproof & can be backfilled, you found it. Above and beyond, this skirting is not only made for ground contact, it’s made to bury. Moreover, it’s engineered as a real exterior cement board, So backfill it! Best of all, our SDG ICF Insulation cover is waterproof concrete/cement panel board and is perfect for covering rigid insulation at buried at ground level.
Best of all our SDG™ ICF Insulation cover are waterproof concrete panel boards and are perfect for covering rigid insulation at buried at ground level. Made in varying heights. Explore SDG™!
We manufacture our concrete boards using the highest quality materials available. Moreover, because they’re made of concrete, they’re naturally fire-resistant, which is huge in States like California. Best of all, they’re made here in the USA. Also, the panels have a great warranty, including any manufacturing defects and other common issues. Furthermore, the concrete boards have been produced since 2000 earning us a great reputation.
Note: There are certain exclusions regarding the validity of the warranty, so we encourage you to read it. In consideration, DURASKIRT™ underpinning is some of the best concrete/cement panels made in the world, judging by both quality and sincerity in manufacturing.
Let’s Talk About the Disadvantages of Other Skirting Materials
Manufacturers of materials such as treated plywood, grout boards, and cement boards containing wood fibers do not warrant their products for back-filling. Therefore, many products fail and have frequent problems when they’re used for this purpose.
For instance, when back-filling treated plywood, it eventually rots. Other cement products pop through their fasteners, leaving gaps for rodent infestations. So, when you’re shopping for skirting, be sure and ask if the manufacture warrants back-filling.
DURASKIRT™ is a concrete skirting for manufactured homes made of real concrete for exterior ground burial, meeting the skirting requirements for the HUD permanent foundation guide. This guide is meant for a pit set manufactured homemaking DURASKIRT™ a great choice.
For this reason, you can obtain better financing rates on your manufactured home. This is why we say DURASKIRT™ is the best smart panel skirting choice!
Are There Any Other Uses?
Principally, we package the panels in easy-to-use mobile home skirting kits. In addition to its other uses, our concrete board works very well for:

DURASKIRT™ (CMU) cement board well. Read “how to build a cement board well.”
- Building a DURASKIRT™ (CMU) concrete/cement board well
- Covering insulation (in the case of retrofitting commercial buildings)
- Concrete Board for Exterior Use
- Exterior Cement Board
- Park model skirting
- Skirting pier and beam homes
- Wainscot
- and more.
Where Can I Buy DURASKIRT™?
DURASKIRT™ is sold factory Direct, therefore, searching DURASKIRT Lowes or DURASKIRT Home Depot you will do with no avail. Follow this link to Buy DURASKIRT™.
A Recap on Advantages of Using DURASKIRT™
Certainly, durability, longevity, site-built appearance are good reasons and the price compared to quality too. Other bonuses are:
- Engineered to support back-filling
- Make Manufactured Home Look Like A House
- More than ground contact house skirting, it can be buried
- Naturally fire-resistant
- Unsurpassed defenses against rodent intrusion (Hidden-Vent & real concrete)
- Meets the highest HUD standards for obtaining the most favorable lending.
- Best smart panel skirting choice!
- Now made with PENETRON™
- Finally, DURASKIRT™, A Real Exterior Cement Board, Is The Best Choice!
DURASKIRT’s SDG Concrete Panel Product for Protecting Exterior Rigid Foam on Foundation Walls
– DURASKIRT has developed a product called SDG for protecting rigid foam insulation.
2″ or 3″ of rigid foam on the exterior of basement foundation walls can be a challenge to protect. So, what product are people using to protect the foam from the grade to the mud sill? Often, the detail drawings call out “Protective board”? This is why DURASKIRT has developed a product called SDG. Best of all, SDG keeps the site-built familiar look.
In Conclusion, It’s Proven
One customer said, “DURASKIRT™ and Be Done.”
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